Monday, May 5, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States, under President Bill Clinton. “An Inconvenient Truth” is a documentary film about global warming. The film premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opened in New York and Los Angeles on May 24, 2006. With this film Al Gore is series to explain the dangers of global warming and how it is affecting humans and animals.

Mr. Al Gore mentions some of the ecological effects and warns of changes. Global warming is the increase of climate temperature. 40% of our water comes from springs and rivers. Most of the springs and rivers water come from the glaciers on the top of mountain. These springs and rivers will dry if there are no glaciers. Global warming will lead to an increase in sea level because glaciers in the poles and mountains will melt, and with the increase of sea level. Some lands will be submerged by the extra flow of water.

Al Gore proves that we have about ten years to reduce the major catastrophe that could destroy our planet. Extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and heat waves will destroy the planet.