Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Opinion - “An inconvenient truth”

"An inconvenient truth” this is documentary film about global warming. This movie describes the dangers of the global warming and how it is affecting the planet. Albert Arnold Al Gore is the lecturer of this film; he was the first political person that turned to the global warming problem.

I agree with Al Gore that global warming is real, it's already happening and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence. As well by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere and temperatures are rising. He proves that changes are already happening. Glaciers are melting, sea level is increasing, plants and animals are being forced from their habitats.

I honestly think this movie make me consider what I could learn about global warming. I have to say that global warming is a major catastrophe that could destroy the planet. The scale rating of this documentary film is 10 out of10.

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of carbon dioxide produced as the result of our daily activities. Carbon dioxide production contributes to global warming which is why the carbon footprint is so important. I measured my footprint at http://www.footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and my result was 3.28 which mean that I’m living as if there were 3.28 earths. My scores for food, home appliances and stuff were equivalent but travel was high. My annual footprint calculation is 14.89 tones. Now I am going to outline some problems and possible solutions to my carbon footprint.

I will start with the problem of this and I am one of these problem because I contribute to greenhouse when I travel any short vacation by car, also I don’t recycle any product that already I used such as cans, paper and plastic bottles. Nevertheless, I used too much electricity in my life and everybody knows that in our country we produce electricity by burning fuel gas, natural gas and propane as a result all of these will produce carbon dioxide

In conclusion, I advise everybody to measure his or her carbon footprint to find out the part where he or she contributes to global warming and get involved in reducing atmospheric pollution.

Cool City

Since the start of the industrial revolution there have been some problems associated with economic development such as increasing in energy consumptions, increases the amount of carbon dioxide and finally traffics. So, if we do not solve this type of problems we need another earth, which is impossible By the way, we need to decrease 1.5 of Carbon Dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of single earth. During the last 30 years in Japan the Gross Domestic Product has gone up 100% while energy efficiency has increased 37% and oil consumption has decreased 8%. However 90% of the carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from buildings and transportations. In addition, the Cool City means a Model City and SDCJ are from Japan will build it. The city will conclude three types of transportation that will be used in it such as monorail station, LRT "Light Rail Transit" and water transportation whereas the various zones in the city are business, residents and culture. There are some techniques that will reduce heat such as water, trees and roof membrane. It is expected that resident building would reduce CO2 by 30% and other buildings by 50%. Finally, the percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video was 60%.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Lebanon is one of the wonderful countries in the Middle East. The ruins describe the beauty and history of this country. Lebanon is a historical country. It is called “The land of milk and honey” in the bible. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon which is nick named “Paris of the East”. There are many countries which surround Lebanon such as Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cuprous and Israel or Palestine in reality.

Lebanon gained independence from France in 1943. After independence the tensions between Muslims and Christians increased. These tension causes were that 100,000 Muslims arriving to Palestinians and Christians held the balance of power. In 1975, a Christian’s group attacked a bus full of Palestinians Muslims. After that event the tensions reached their peak. As a result of this tension, 3000 Palestinians were killed & 20,000 Syrian troops went to Lebanon. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian liberation organization after seven years the peace deal was reached. There were many human and economic costs of this conflict such as 150,000-200,000 people were wounded and the economy paralyzed.

These days there are signs of the social and economic recovery in Beirut. For example, people of more than 17 different religions live to gather, people live in peace. There developments in the civilization like malls & beaches. On the other hand, there are also some current problems in the country. For example foreigners are avoiding investing in rebuilding the country, unemployment remains very high and too much of money is being made in the hand of a few.


  • "Eye on Lebanon." Globale Eye.25 Spring 2006. Royal Geograghic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .