Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of carbon dioxide produced as the result of our daily activities. Carbon dioxide production contributes to global warming which is why the carbon footprint is so important. I measured my footprint at http://www.footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and my result was 3.28 which mean that I’m living as if there were 3.28 earths. My scores for food, home appliances and stuff were equivalent but travel was high. My annual footprint calculation is 14.89 tones. Now I am going to outline some problems and possible solutions to my carbon footprint.

I will start with the problem of this and I am one of these problem because I contribute to greenhouse when I travel any short vacation by car, also I don’t recycle any product that already I used such as cans, paper and plastic bottles. Nevertheless, I used too much electricity in my life and everybody knows that in our country we produce electricity by burning fuel gas, natural gas and propane as a result all of these will produce carbon dioxide

In conclusion, I advise everybody to measure his or her carbon footprint to find out the part where he or she contributes to global warming and get involved in reducing atmospheric pollution.

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