Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Opinion - “An inconvenient truth”

"An inconvenient truth” this is documentary film about global warming. This movie describes the dangers of the global warming and how it is affecting the planet. Albert Arnold Al Gore is the lecturer of this film; he was the first political person that turned to the global warming problem.

I agree with Al Gore that global warming is real, it's already happening and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence. As well by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere and temperatures are rising. He proves that changes are already happening. Glaciers are melting, sea level is increasing, plants and animals are being forced from their habitats.

I honestly think this movie make me consider what I could learn about global warming. I have to say that global warming is a major catastrophe that could destroy the planet. The scale rating of this documentary film is 10 out of10.

1 comment:

omar174blogproject said...

I learn many things from your video.and your voice was very clear.